Unable to follow bots

Hello, yesterday I installed a brand new Akkoma server, running 3.12.2-377-gc1f0b6b8-develop.
I’m unable to follow remote bots. Logs showing me lines like these:

Apr 19 07:12:04 spla.cat mix[873414]: 07:12:04.258 [error] Could not fetch user fediverse's stats (@fediverse@mastodont.cat) - mastodont.cat, cultura catalana., {nil, {:error, “Not a user”}}

Apr 19 07:37:25 spla.cat mix[873414]: 07:37:25.913 [error] Could not fetch user À Punt (@aPunt_bot@mastodont.cat) - mastodont.cat, cultura catalana., {nil, {:error, “Not a user”}}

So seems any remote marked as bot remote account can’t be followed. I did a search of Akkoma settings but I unable to get the right one. Can you point me to the right place? Thanks in advance!

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My Akkoma server is here

this is being rejected because it’s a Service actor, which is bouncing against the validator

i will fix this for the next release

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Great! Thank you very much!

fix has been included in the latest release, Akkoma stable 2024.04 - straight up fixing it in the git... and by it, haha, well, i mean our bhackend

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Nice! thank you a lot!