Internal Server Error: %Ecto.MultipleResultsError

I just spun up a new instance of akkoma using the OTP method. I have been troubleshooting vaious issues, but after adding relays still have no timeline. I have found this error in the journal:

 pleroma[706]: request_id=GBYMkbV2Hl0Dhc4AABDC [error] Internal server error: %Ecto.MultipleResultsError{message: "expected at most one result but got 2 in query:\n\nfrom s0 in Pleroma.User.SigningKey,\n  where: s0.user_id == ^\"Apa61mMKpVldwDtCFM\"\n"}

 pleroma[706]: [error] #PID<0.4541.0> running Pleroma.Web.Endpoint (connection #PID<0.4540.0>, stream id 1) terminated
                                   Server: (http)
                                   Request: POST /relay/inbox
                                   ** (exit) an exception was raised:
                                       ** (Ecto.MultipleResultsError) expected at most one result but got 2 in query:
                                   from s0 in Pleroma.User.SigningKey,
                                     where: s0.user_id == ^"Apa61mMKpVldwDtCFM"
                                           (ecto 3.10.3) lib/ecto/repo/queryable.ex:154:
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) lib/pleroma/user/signing_key.ex:182: Pleroma.User.SigningKey.get_or_fetch_by_key_id/1
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/ensure_user_public_key_plug.ex:15:
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) Pleroma.Web.Router.http_signature/2
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) lib/pleroma/web/router.ex:5: Pleroma.Web.Router.__pipe_through23__/1
                                           (phoenix 1.7.14) lib/phoenix/router.ex:475: Phoenix.Router.__call__/5
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) lib/pleroma/web/endpoint.ex:5: Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.plug_builder_call/2
                                           (pleroma 3.13.3-0-g963467f) lib/pleroma/web/endpoint.ex:5:

Any help would be appreciated.


Note: I cannot find anything in the users or signing_keys tables containing this user id string:

Update 12/31/24:

I am completely at a loss here. I dropped the db and db_user and removed the config. I did a fresh install on the same server and before I even add a user or login I see the following error in the journal:

pleroma[17732]:     ** (Ecto.MultipleResultsError) expected at most one result but got 2 in query:
 pleroma[17732]: from s0 in Pleroma.User.SigningKey,
 pleroma[17732]:   where: s0.user_id == ^"ApbyUnjriCRHKaXHY8"

The only error seen during the install was a note in db migration to was a note to uodate to oban 11:

11:15:44.796 [error] The `oban_peers` table is undefined and leadership is disabled.

Run migrations up to v11 to restore peer leadership. In the meantime, distributed plugins
(e.g. Cron, Pruner) will not run on any nodes.

I built a previous test install from source and did not have this issue.