Change favicon, site logo using Pleroma FE or config.exs?

Can someone please share how do I change these? I don’t have admin-FE installed and am using only the Pleroma FE. Grateful in advance :pray:

Did not install admin-FE as I have not seen any settings for changing the favicon. Yes, can make changes to config.exs and can locate the static directory where these need to be placed.

Thank you!


please search the documentation before making a thread

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Thanks @FloatingGhost . I have looked at that and I’m still learning.

Is the static directory:




If you look at the Static directory documentation, it again points to you to the Configuration page.

Be it Mastodon or Pleroma, this is getting truer and truer.


yes, the static directory is configured by the configuration

it is wherever you have configured it to be

I’m on Akkoma + Mangane and that was the root cause of the whole issue.

On normal Pleroma-FE (or Akkoma FE if one would prefer to call that), it was as easy as adding

config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations,
  pleroma_fe: %{
   logo: "/static/mylogo-file.png"

Or for favicon, place it into $static_dir/favicon.png WITH the $static default being /var/lib/akkoma/static/

Please correct if I’m wrong here @FloatingGhost

Plerorma forked in two directions - Akkoma and Rebased. Akkoma for use with Akkoma/Pleroma FE, while Rebased for use with Soapbox. Like Pleroma, Front End developers too having different philosophies is also going to hurt us users in the long run. Sad situation really.

@FloatingGhost I was going for an Akkoma + Soapbox installation but acc. to Alex of Soapbox, Akkoma does not play well with injecting favicons into the document when using Soapbox as the FE.

Any fix or hack for this? Wouldn’t be too great if we’re locked in with only Akkoma and Mangane without having a choice. Mangane has a couple of features like ‘suggest users’ missing that Soapbox has. Plus the Admin FE also doesn’t open up from the Mangane FE and many other hence the reason for going with an Akkoma + Soapbox - just sharing.

please do not link Gleason here again, since that is a harmful link I’m actually going to have to invoke mod powers


Haha. That’s ok :slight_smile:

Back to my Q, any hack available to make Favicons appear when using Akkoma + Soapbox?

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we do not support soapbox, any config is up to you too figure out

if it works, great, if not, We’re not providing support time to make it work

That’s sad :frowning:

Looks like I’ll have to go back to Clovis and hope he implements the missing features in Managane.

The file you want to change is in


NOT the one that is indicated in documentation.



You can check my work at

Everything else is in instance/static but that one file… ask me about getting the tos into the Mangane terms of service link.

priv/static is overloaded by the static folder, which by default is instance/static in from-source installations. If it works in one, it should work in the other. If not, my best guess is you did something wrong like permissions, or maybe you placed it in a wrong subfolder. priv/static is tracked by git, which is why you shouldn’t make changes there. It will work, but it can cause problems when upgrading.

oh yeah do not overwrite priv/static, unless you are a merge conflict enjoyer

the documentation is correct

what would I be merging after my instance is built… Just curious.

I did not handle the install. It was done by somebody who makes money doing so… Still, I’m not completely ignorant to how these things work and I’m pretty sure he went by the book doing the install permissions… When all else fails and you want a unique favicon… that was my educated guess… I had to go through considerable trouble to get it to work as it should including chmodding and chowning it correctly… Sticking it elsewhere in my install does nothing… As with everything… YMMV


it would mean any time you update your instance, which you should do regularly, that you will have to create a merge commit to keep your local repository’s changes

I guess. There’s the argument for updating… I don’t particularly want to do that unless I see something significant has changed… and that I can see, not much has lately… Also can you tell me specifically how in this case putting a file where no file was before can cause a merge conflict as you call them. I’m not saying you’re not right. But it’s my instance and I’ll admin it as I see fit. No matter which dev told me what. I’ve been cautioned against devs for this particular software so… I’m not too bothered by what anybody says either way.

built as in after you do the first mix deps… I’ve been told to expressly NOT try to do anything like update the software by the person who installed it. I don’t know what you call it after you first run the install commands and I dont much care.

I’m out… I have a working install to admin and I don’t care about proving anything… peace.

what a very very bizarre interaction…