Akkoma stable 2022.07 - the curse begins

patch stable 3.0.1 released, backports the follow state bugfix

from upstream, pleroma occasionally loses track of follow state and can say “following” when you’re really not

this mostly happens when you’ve used the block function at some point, which hasn’t correctly severed all relationships

akkoma has been hotfixed to fix this
to update, either ./bin/pleroma_ctl update or git pull, then restart

if you or a user on your instance is in a bad follow state (i.e it’s saying something that doesn’t make sense), you can run
./bin/pleroma_ctl user fix_follow state <local_user> <remote_user>
mix pleroma.user fix_follow_state <local> <remote>

(e.g mix pleroma.use fix_follow_state floatingghost floatingghost@otp.akkoma.dev in my state - the remote user should have the full @ tag)